主講人: Daniel Jones
The most important ways of improving teaching are:
Shifting the focus from the teacher to the learner, and specifically, to define what learning outcomes students are meant to achieve when teachers address the topics they are meant to teach. Biggs Tang(2001)
ILOs(Intended Learning Outcomes)
ILOs 非常重視動詞,學生能從課程中學到什麼、預期能做到什麼,因此會盡量避免使用了解這類的動詞,而是盡可能讓學生了解課程的預期價值,這個ILOs的核心就是要重新釐清學生與老師之間的角色,重點應該放在學生該做什麼,而不是老師該做什麼。 Daniel Jones
Take the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education as our example:
(O) the ability to make comparisons between a range of health contexts, such as individual and institutional and national and international contexts.
(X) health as a contested concept.
主講人:Richard Covington
Constructive alignment has become internationally established as an education approach linking strategic planning and corporate policy to discipline and course teaching and learning practice. Ruge et al. (2019)
課程的設計是由上而下的做環狀整合,將EMI課程目標與BEST計畫做連結,從一開始的政策和程序一直到最後的評量方法,都應該要連貫在一起,最後在從學生的回饋中做政策和程序的調整,形成由上而下環狀式的系統。 Richard Covington